424kp : Age, Contact for Deals, Audience Analysis

Quick Facts:

  • Famous Name: 424Kp
  • Date of Birth: April 24, 2002
  • Age: 22 Years
  • Birth: China
  • Profession: Rapper

Introduction to 424KP:

424Kp is a rising rapper known for his distinctive style and impactful tracks such as “In The Rough,” “Bounty Hunter,” and “Red Light Green Light.” He debuted in 2019 with his first release, “Voices,” and quickly gained attention for his unique sound and lyrical depth.

Growing up in the United Kingdom, 424Kp has developed a musical style that blends diverse influences, creating a sound that resonates with a wide audience.His music often features introspective lyrics and dynamic beats, capturing both personal and universal themes.


Contact for Collaborations:

For collaborations and inquiries, connect with 424kp through the following channels:

Connect with 424kp

Fan Base Analysis:

424Kp’s rise in the rap scene is marked by his authenticity, creative approach, and ability to connect with listeners through his music.

  • Demographics: Young people are particularly fans of 424Kp
  • Engagement Rate: Strong connection with young listeners has helped him build a dedicated fanbase as a rising star.
  • Performance: His social presence is enough to garner active engagement.

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